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Selectmen's Minutes - March 28, 1995
              Selectmen's Meeting - March 28, 1995

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch; Charles Flynn, Joseph
Frisoli, Chair; Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk. Also
attending: Joe Nugent, Executive Secretary to Board of Selectmen.

I. Opening: Chair Frisoli called meeting to order by reading
notice from Tree Warden Ferguson that permission must be granted
by the Tree Warden for any posting on trees in Town. The Chair
requested warrant and bills be signed.  

II. Thevenian and Company - Town Audit: Arthur Thevenian and
Steve O'Grady complimented the Town on a good financial job. They
went over with the Board the General Purpose Financial Statements
for the Year Ending June 30, 1994 and the Management Letter
suggestions. Auditors continue to suggest different method for
the Ambulance Fund collection; must continue to stay within
procurement requirements; corrections being made to Board of
Health methods for dealing with tonnage slips and reduction
adjustment for mileage for the recycling hauls only to Brockton;
and certain contracts to have Accountant signature before
awarding (this shall be addressed as a possible added by-law).
Kuchinski questioned Building Permit comments - why not addressed
since last year? Jones wants more information on the contracts -
service/goods that funds are available at time of the signing -
i.e. intent for services.  Resident Bruce Young questioned
amounts owed for police details and asked how to alleviate
situation.  Auditors stated that account could have more monies
appropriated or the Town could not pay until the monies were
received from contractor.  Young brought in Boston paper as to
how Todesca was handled on cop details - embarrassment made them
pay fast.  Nugent believes Board of Selectmen should discuss
turning the collections for Ambulance Fund over to Collector.  

III. Budgeting- Requests for additional staffing: Four positions
in Town Hall are being asked for increased hours in FY96 Clerical
Budget line for a total of $9,466. 7 hours for Assistant Town
Clerk at a cost of $3900 (increased registration load due to
Motor Voter, increase in parking tickets and census
requirements); 3 hours for Board of Health Secretary at a cost of
$1964, citing Title Five law changes including inspection
paperwork and public assistance; 3 hours for Secretary for
Building Inspector at cost of $1925, to open on Tuesday evenings;
3 hours for the Town Accountant assistant at cost of $1583 to
have assistant in on Mondays to train for processing payroll.

Arlene Finn came in to request funding ($22,838) for Childrens'
Librarian position established by the Wage and Personnel
Committee.  It will increase the number of hours library is open
and will even consider a part-time position funded.  Murdoch
wants time on upcoming agenda to fully discuss the merits of
these requests.

IV. Capital Improvement Committee - Revised Plan: Mrs. Sutter
with CIC members Larry Morrill and James Geronaitis gave
additional information to the Board on the Snow plow blades,
Factory Pond Dam. At their meeting last evening, CIC voted to
request the Board of Selectmen to re-open the warrant to address
having an article for the Factory Pond Dam to be addressed for
$35,000 and for that Article to be co-sponsored by the Selectmen
and having them take the leadership role for Town Meeting.  Larry
Morrill gave Selectmen the results of his speaking with Raoul
Silva at Office for Dam Safety, Deb Lenahan with North and South
River Watershed; Hanover ConCom and Town officials. Motion
3/28/95.1: move that Board of Selectmen direct Executive
Secretary to forward a letter to Office of Dam Safety Director
Raoul Silva requesting an up-dated inspection of Factory Pond
Dam. Motion made by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 5-0.  After some discussion on the propriety of revising
the given Capital Improvement Plan and opening the Town Meeting
Warrant, the following action was taken.  It was noted that
nothing could be lost by taking action now and having Hanover
address the issue in October, 1995.    Motion 3/28/95.2: move to
reopen the Warrant for the May 1995 Annual Town Meeting to insert
article from Capital Improvement as the first article of the
Capital Improvement Plan. Motion by Murdoch with second by
Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-1 (Frisoli).   Morrill looking to
facilitate communications between the two Town Conservation
Commissions and is seeking the assistance of the Town Planner.

V. School Department - Budget discussion: Peter Muise, Sharon
Andrews, Julie Vitkus and Dr. Avery came to discuss the proposed
budget.  Also present for this meeting were members of the
Finance Committee (B.Sutter, C.Vayo, A.Brasille, and L.Wyman).
Jones and Flynn attended the public session at the School
Committee budget discussions. Committee notes that the $26
million is educationally sound with the problem that it is not
fiscally sound from Town perspective.  The maintenance of the
status quo is sought for FY96.  Further discussions and votes
will be taken at the School Committee level related to budget
figures especially in light of stances previously taken by Town
Boards (Selectmen and FinComs of both Towns).  Comments included
numbers for running town government and school budgets, fixed
costs, transportation, municipal growth factors.  It was also
noted that Building Committees should be reformed to allow Towns
under the regional umbrella begin to develop direction to take on
this issue of space for schools.  

VI. Police Budget: Chief Berry and members of FinCom in for
discussion on the Police Budget.  Chief Berry made excellent use
of flow charts for budget ($791,391) explanations: 84.7%
personnel costs, 9.4% overtime, and 5.9% for expenses.  1993
Calls for Service were 4,717 and increased to 6,782 in 1994 for a
43.7% increase noted. The department has increase services to the
community in the areas of crime prevention, schools, domestic
violence, and investigations.  He gave explanations for sick-
time, over-time coverage, Criminal Justice mandated items, grant
activities and requests for increase in hours for his Executive
Assistant and vacation and training lines.  Chief thanked for
thorough presentation.

VII. Warrant - May's Annual Town Meeting: Motion 3/28/95.3: move
to close the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.   Motion made
by Murdoch  with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

VIII. Minutes:  Motion 3/28/95.4: move to accept the minutes of
February 28, 1995 Executive Session and the Minutes of March 14,
1995.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion
carried 5-0.

IX. Appointments: (1) Conservation Commission: Commission sent a
letter dated March 20, 1995 supporting the appointment of Mary
Pulieo to the vacant seat.  Motion 3/28/95.5: move to appoint
Mary Pulieo to the Conservation Commission with her term to
expire June 30,l 1998.   Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Jones.  Motion carried 4-0-1 (Kuchinski, when informed that there
has been no quorum of the Board since February 28th for any
actions to be taken by the Commission. (2) Board of Registrars:
Town Democrat Committee (Kuchinski noted she is a member)
requested the Board of Selectmen re-appoint Nancy Amado as a
Registrar. Motion 3/28/95.6: move to reappoint Nancy Amado (State
Street) as a Registrar for a term to expire March 31, 1998.
Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.

X. Request for Town Hall Grounds: Reverend Milco requested the
Town Hall grounds for Easter Sunrise Services on Sunday, April
16, 1995.  Motion 3/28/95.7: move to allow Congregational Church
the use of the Town Hall grounds Sunday April 16, 1995.  Motion
made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.

XI. Lions - Light Bulb Sale: Civic group requesting permit to
solicit town for sale of light bulbs April 29 and April 30.
Motion 3/28/95.8: move to permit Lions to sell Light bulbs Town
wide on dates requested.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

XII. Related to Town Meeting: Selectmen holding recommendations
on articles and the acceptance of the Capital Improvement Plan to
the next agenda.  Reminder that the warrant for the Special Town
Meeting closes April 4, 1995.

XIII. Action Requests: (1) Flynn requested dates from Jones and
Kuchinski to negotiate contracts; (2) Kuchinski requested that
Town obtain acknowledge from Bod Company that there is a hold on
Todesca's bond. (3) Status of the Double Poles?  Nugent stated he
was told that all work to be done by end of June. (4) Kuchinski
noted that tickets were on sale for the Anniversary Ball on April
1, 1995.  (5) Frisoli noted that Fire Department Overtime (OT)
was gone.  Nugent noted that an article would be prepared from
the Special Town Meeting to add funds.  Jones would like to see
the risk assessment options.  (6) Frisoli needs the evaluations
from Flynn and Jones before 4/1/95. (7) Water Commissioner Tom
Dahlberg requested the date for the next meeting between the two
boards.  Nugent to check the schedule with Bickford.  

XIV. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Highway gasoline bids out.
Town may wish to abandon and/or replace the existing tanks.  (2)
Special Town Meeting warrant article has monies listed to clean-
out some of the past accounts. (3) Updated Board on the articles
requesting monies to settle claims.

XV. Request for Executive Session:  Request for the Board to
enter Executive Session to discuss negotiations on Lieutenant,
Police Chief and Highway contracts.  Motion 3/28/95.9: move to
enter Executive Session under #3 Collective Bargaining for the
above noted contracts.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Jones. Murdoch- Aye; Flynn- Aye; Frisoli- Aye; Jones- Aye; and
Kuchinski- Aye.  Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting recessed at 10:35pm
for Executive Session with votes expected to be announced.   

XVI. Return to Open Session: No-one present so Board will
announce the votes at next meeting.  Adjournment:  Motion
3/28/95.10: move to adjourn. Motion made by Murdoch with second
by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned at 11:25pm.